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在上周末,我们推出《The Deuce》堕落街的时候,预告了,要为大家做一个“臭不要脸的”合辑。
1- 69 Sexy Things 2 Do B4U Die
Wikipedia:69 Sexy Things 2 Do Before You Die (stylized 69 Sexy Things 2 Do B4U Die) was a Playboy TV adult newsmagazine profiling exotic locales, outdoor adventures and current erotic trends.
Have A Menage-A-Trois ,本意:三角家庭,这里应该指的是threesome(原谅我只能翻译到这里);
Scuba Dive Naked,潜水;
Kink In The Caribbean,(不懂);
The Ultimate Bubble Bath(不懂);
Spend Halloween Weekend in San Francisco,在旧金山过万圣节;
Visit Sensual Sedona(不懂);
Naked Houseboating,游艇旅行;
Dine on Naked Sushi,享用女体盛;
Discover Sacred Sex,(sacred,宗教相关,不敢乱翻);
Host a Sex Toy Party,举办一场玩具聚会。
2- All Wives Cheat
Wikipedia:All Wives Cheat is a Playboy TV fictional reality adult show that is based on a popular online series of the same name. Marketed as an adult version of the television show Cheaters, it catches unfaithful spouses and lovers engaged in various sex acts.
3- Black Tie Nights
IMDb:Two friends Cooper Snow and Olivia Hartley start a dating service called Black Tie Nights. After two years, Olivia is still mourning the death of her husband. The man crazy writer, Cooper is determined to get her through it. Needing a little help in the office, they hire Ryan Lundy a former disgruntled client. The trio end up creating a vibrant business. In season two, Olivia and Cooper hand the business completely over to Ryan and move to Europe. Over-run with calls, Ryan enlists the help of former client Candi Hicks. The two continue to run the dating service. As the business thrives, Ryan and Candi get closer.
原创翻译: Cooper Snow 和 Olivia Hartley是好朋友,他们开了一个约会公司叫“黑夜束缚”。两年后,Olivia还在哀悼离世的丈夫,一个疯狂的作家。Cooper决定帮助她走出这段日子。公司人手不够,她们聘请了Ryan Lundy,这个人曾经是她们的客户,对他们的服务并不满意。最终,她们创造了一个充满活力的企业。
在第二季中,Olivia和Cooper彻底把公司交给了Ryan,一起去了欧洲。Ryan招募了前雇员Candi Hicks来帮忙,通过电话远程控制,他们两人成功地运营这家约会公司,随着生意越来越好,Ryan和Candi的关系也越来越亲密。(翻译得佶屈聱牙,我总觉得这个锅要英文原文来背。
点评:两个无业女开了一家约会服务公司的故事,每集成功的让客户们爽完之后然后自己爽 (百度网友So丶__n1ce)
4- Co-Ed.Confidential
IMDb:A frat house notorious for parties is turned into a co-ed residence for four freshmen under the supervision of a graduate student and her occasional boyfriend, a party animal from the closed fraternity.
点评:软核里不多见的校园喜剧,讲述一所大学里的男男女女,剧情一个字——“乱” 。收视率不错,共出了四季,不过制作并不精良,好在演员都是年轻的鲜肉。(百度网友So丶__n1ce)
5- life on top
IMDb:Based on a novel by Clara Darling, about a college grad who heads to a big city looking for work and discovers her older sister, who's been living there for years, is a model.
原创翻译:这部剧基于Clara Darling的小说而改编。一个刚大学毕业的姑娘到大城市找工作,她发现她在这个城市生活多年的姐姐,是一个模特。
点评:经典的les剧,一个刚大学毕业的玉女在三个好姐妹的驯养下变的工作生活故事。佳作,制作虽稍有些粗糙,但演员质量相当不错,尤其是第二季,不喜欢Femme Fatales(天哥注:蛇蝎美人)那种单元剧形式的强烈推荐此作。(百度网友So丶__n1ce)
6- Lingerie
IMDb:"Lingerie" is a sexy new cable series featuring an ensemble cast of beautiful people who design, photograph and model lingerie in New York City's fashion industry. Most of the stories revolve around Lacey Summers, who left a successful modeling career to design lingerie. Lacey lives in a large loft that doubles as her design studio. Her younger brother, Cody, lives a few blocks away with his wing man Russ. What Cody lacks in ambition he makes up for in charm and good looks. He's constantly popping in and out of Lacey's place helping himself to her food and occasionally to her models. Lacey's lingerie is in several NY boutiques yet Lacey struggles to make ends meet as costs for fabrics, photographers and models run higher than her income. To help keep costs down, Lacey decides to rent out her spare room to Vanessa, a beautiful young, want-to-be actress from Seattle. Lacey's best friend, Marilyn, writes for a gossip fashion magazine and does her best to promote Lacey's work, occasionally introducing her to investors and editors who can get her work seen. Unfortunately, one of the investors is more interested in ripping off Lacey's designs than he is in helping her. To complicate an already hectic life, Lacey's on-again-off-again photographer boyfriend, Jason, can't seem to keep his hands off Lacey's models. Jason and Lacey have an open relationship but when Jason sleeps with her new roommate, Vanessa, she realizes she's had enough. She breaks up with Jason and turns her romantic attentions to Rick, a NY City fireman. But Rick finds it hard to relate to Lacey's work. Though he admits he loves to see women in lingerie, he thinks lingerie is only good for as long as it takes a man to remove it from a woman. Rick would rather she go with him on weekend adventures, where they could off-road, climb mountains or camp; however, Lacey's a true city girl and doesn't enjoy the "great outdoors". Their relationship soon drifts apart. Lacey decides to take time off from her relationships and devote her energies to creating a new "Metro" line of lingerie which she promotes during a New York City Spring Fashion Show.
大多数的故事都围绕着Lacey Summers,她在纽约设计内衣的经历在业内堪称佳话。Lacey住在一个大阁楼上,比她的设计工作室还要大一倍。她的弟弟Russ和他的好基友Cody就住在几个街区之外。
点评::一个从事内衣设计工作的女孩乱七八糟的工作生活 (百度网友So丶__n1ce)。
7- Sex Games Vegas
IMDb:Cal and Mona Barrish are known for their big, over the top parties. The guest lists are large, the people are interesting, and the entertainment is second to none. The party is just the show. The real magic is how the two of them help others fall in love or reach an important goal. As much as this is a party and anything can happen, many of the outcomes are orchestrated by Cal and Mona. In each episode, we see how Cal and Mona use their influence to make everyone's life just a little bit better.
原创翻译:Cal 和 Mona Barrish因他们盛大奢华而高贵的聚会而闻名。谈笑有鸿儒、往来无白丁,聚会上的娱乐总是首屈一指,就像是一场华丽的表演一样。喧嚣之下,他们真正的魔力在于帮助别人坠入爱河或者达成心愿。尽管这只是一个聚会,但任何事情都可能发生,许多奇迹都是Cal and Mona Barrish精心策划的。在每一集里,我们都看到了卡尔和梦娜如何利用他们的影响力,让每个人的生活都变得更好。
点评:一群未婚的已婚的男男女女在拉斯维加斯一家酒店床上玩排列组合寻找真爱的故事,最后人人完成任务,包括酒店老板,圆满大结局 。制作有些粗糙,两男主演技不错(正常演技) (百度网友So丶__n1ce)。
8- Sin City Diaries
IMDb:Sin City Diaries will follow concierge expert Angelica (played by actress and super model Amber Smith, LA Confidential - American Beauty.) From her high-rise office overlooking the Strip, Casino Owners rely heavily upon her to make their high rollers happy. As she helps clients live out their deepest fantasies in this playground and paradise we all know and love as Sin City.
原创翻译:罪恶之城日记讲述的是高级伴游Angelica(由女演员和超级模特安伯史密斯扮演)。赌场的老板们从她高耸的办公室俯视着拉斯维加斯的The Strip大道,他们很大程度上依靠Angelica来让他们的豪赌客们开心。在人人皆知的这座罪恶之城,她帮助客户们在这个游乐场和天堂里实现他们最深刻而隐秘的幻想。
9- Skin to the max
IMDb:This all-new travelogue series takes viewers on an international journey to the hot and erotic world of real sex clubs.
10- tell me you love me
IMDb:A drama about three couples and the therapist they share.
天哥点评:love 与 make love,从来都纠缠在一起。一部正儿八经讲感情的电视剧, 能拍这么大胆也是厉害!
11- Xanadu
IMDb:Well past his glory days, an aging pornographer resists change and clashes with his children, who aim to take the family empire in a new direction.
12- Zane's Sex.Chronicles.
IMDb:A groups of women in modern America going through life and the intense challenges that are part of every relationship. Despite being from different backgrounds
13- The Erotic Traveler
IMDb:The Midland Art Gallery is the home base for this erotic series starring Divini Rai as erotic photographer Marissa Johanson and Kaylani Lei as her pupil Allison Kraft. The series uses photographs and works of art to take episodic settings all over the world. This series is shot on location in Green River, Utah.
原创翻译:Divini Rai扮演色情摄影师Marissa Johanson,Kaylani Lei as饰演他的学生Allison Kraft,米德兰画廊是他们师生的大本营,这个系列剧集中的场景、照片和画作都取自世界各地的名胜。本季取景于犹他州的绿河。
点评:让人荡漾的片名,围绕一个女情色摄影师的工作生活展开 。基本无剧情,就是一床接一床,因为是traveler,很多风光都不错,当然野战也很多 。(引用自百度网友So丶__n1ce)。